What is Programming | Programming Language | Compiler | Why Python

Hello Coders,

Here we are with new series of python.


  • Programming is a art to convert a idea into set of instruction(program) a Computer can follow.
  • Person converting idea into set of instruction is called Programmer.
  • Medium of giving instruction is known as Programming language.


                           Programming Language

Programming Language is a method by which a coder give set of instruction to computer to perform a specific task or make a Software.

There are two types of programming language
  • Low level programming language
  • High Level programming language

                                  Low Level Language

  1. These Language are closer to Computer's native language 0's and 1's.
  2. They don't need any medium (compiler or interpreter) to convert code into machine language that's why their processing is fast.
  3. They uses less memory and are more effective but they are complex to write.
  4. Assembly and machine code are low level Language.

                                     High Level language

  1. They have large difference To Computer's native language.
  2. They need a compiler or interpreter to get converted into machine language hence they are comparatively slower.
  3. They uses large memory and are less effective but they are easy to write.
  4. Java and Python are high level language. 

Compiler -- They are special kind of program which convert source language written in high level language into machine language which is understood by computer's.

                                   Why Python

We have many programming language but why should we learn python. We should be precise while choosing programming language.

  • Python is general language or we can it's English like language most of its syntax matches to language so it's syntax is easy to learn.
  • By learning Python we can access a wide range of development field be it be Machine Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Web development,Data scientist all you can do with python.
  • It has amazing library.Due to its libraries you can do most of work by just calling a function.It's library helps to write code easily.
